
Greenland flounder edible

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Greenland flounder edible

  • Classification:Greenland flatfish

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  • Release date:2018/09/20
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Detailed introduction

High cost performance, suitable for many people.

Many mothers and fathers will buy COD as a supplementary food for their babies. Generally, cod is expensive, and parents are reluctant to eat it. Greenland flounder also contains unsaturated fatty acids, but the price can be said to be a high cost-effective fish, also very suitable for baby supplementary food. And the price of flatfish is moderate, and Bao dad can eat it himself.

Recommended method of eating

Greenland flounder is soft in texture, Chinese or Western cooking can be, recommended steaming and frying are very tender, can be used after thawing kitchen paper to absorb moisture, can reduce fishy smell. Flounder is deep-sea wild fish, fresh and tender fish, and less oil and salt in cooking.

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